Resources and Websites

Materials provided at the Bilingual Story Time at Canisius on October 26.  

Educational Websites that Teach Literacy in English
Educational Websites that Teach Literacy in Spanish
Ipad Apps that Promote Literacy in English
Ipad Apps that Promote Literacy in Spanish

Ryan, James. Opening Your Classroom Door: Methods and Strategies for Landing your First Teaching Job. (November 17, 2016 Professional Development Sessions).
View the presentation here

Universal Design for Learning presentation site (from Febraury 7, 2013 Professional Development Session).  Visit this site for information about free UDL resources.

Would you like to create an Apple iTune account without using a credit card?  Follow the link below to read how to register without submitting credit card information.
Apple Support Link

Do you have a Promethean Interactive White Board in your classroom?  If you do, browse through the website below.  It contains links to helpful tutorials as well as provides you with tools and resources.
Promethean Workshop Website

Visit the IRIS Center for access to evidence-based materials that cover a wide variety of educational topics, including UDL, RTI, learning strategies, and progress monitoring.  

CAST is an educational research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning.
CAST Website