Western New York Prosperity Fellowship

The Canisius University Western New York (WNY) Prosperity Fellowship is an innovative program for full-time graduate students who have an entrepreneurial drive and want to make a difference in Western New York.

The Fellowship includes:

  • Scholarships up to $25,000
  • Paid credit bearing internship
  • Networking and skill building programs


  • Fall semester:  October 9 through March 15. 

Graduate Application First Time Fellow

Returning Fellow Application

The Prentice Family Foundation was created in 2007 by generous benefactors Bryant and Joan Prentice to serve as a philanthropic organization that leverages economic development through scholarship support to ultimately make a multi-generational impact on WNY. The intent of the WNYPF at Canisius University is to develop and encourage students to stay in Western New York and ultimately make an economic impact via job creation. Learn more about the Prentice Family Foundation.


Prosperity Fellows are also eligible for fellowship assistance during the academic year. Awards vary in size and may be significant depending on a student’s unmet financial need.  

Eligibility and How to Apply

Eligibility and Requirements
Fellowship Eligibility:
  • New Fulltime (9 credit hours) Graduate Students accepted for the Fall semester and continuing Graduate Students from all Canisius graduate programs.  Local students participating in online graduate programs are eligible as long as they can participate in on campus orientation and in person fellowship activities.

Fellowship Requirements

1. US citizenship or eligible permanent resident.

2. Attending Graduate school fulltime (9 credit hours) from any Canisius graduate program.

3. A demonstrated interest in and ability to have a positive impact on job creation and economic development in WNY.

4. Participate in a paid credit-bearing internship over the Summer.

5. If selected as a possible candidate, a student will need to interview virtually or on campus with the WNY Prosperity Fellowship Selection Committee.

6. Agree to work in Western New Yor for at least three years within a decade of graduation.

7. Individuals that are awarded the WNY Prosperity Fellowship must provide Canisius with updated contact information up to 10 years after graduation. Occasionally, the Prentice Family Foundation that funds the WNY Prosperity Fellowship is interested in contacting alumni fellow

Application Instructions

 All items below are required for your application to be considered:

1. Completed application form:

2. Resume uploaded with application

3. **Self-nominating letter uploaded with application (Word count limit: 500-600 words)

The self-nominating letter should include the following:

  • Your educational and professional goals
  • Your commitment to Wester New York
  • Relevant volunteer and leadership experience
  • How you plan, upon graduation, contribute to the region's future
  • Address your intended future professional plans and how those plans will contribute to the economic growth and prosperity of Western New York.  

Word count limit is 500-600 words. Review of applications will begin on December 1 for Spring semester and on April 1 for Fall semester.